giovedì 15 maggio 2008



Poetry lies in the lovely

twinkle of my best friend


By Emily S. 3rd Grade

12 commenti:

  1. Wow! She's good!! A third grader? My daughter will be in 3rd grade next year, but I don't foresee her thinking too much about poetry.. uhm.. I need to check some material out at the Homeschool convention tomorrow...

  2. I know... I was never much into poetry myself.. she's something else!! Listen, I am always in awe of homeschooled kids...and their parents!! I thought I would homeschool mine (that was 10 years ago, when I only had one), after # 2 and # 3 I said "fogheddaboutit" (newyoook.newjessy accent...)... but you're doing a fantastic thing!! I totally admire you!!

  3. Nothing to be admired, trust me.
    Right now it's still pretty easy and I have a wonderful network that I can rely on for encouragement, for support and for mentoring. When I started I was all fired up and convinced I would definitely homeschool till high school. Now, I take one year at a time and that takes some of the pressure off. As I said, we are just finishing 2nd grade and it's really not that bad.
    One step at a time we'll make it, I guess. And, then again, I'm not in it for the academics as much as for the development of the character.
    I can understand the overwhelming feeling of having more than one kid to homeschool.. I am already wondering how I'll balance both of mine... But homeschooling is not for everybody and not for every season of life. The really important thing is your involvement in raising your kids, in their lives, taking on the responsibility of raising mature, productive individuals. And I have no doubt about you in that area. You are definitely a "hands on" mom. Kudos to you.

  4. Emily rules!!!

    Grande Emily :) bellissima poesia.


  5. Poetry is what makes the world go round (forget about money!). She is the richest girl ever!!

  6. sintetica e concisa!
    ma molto dolce!

  7. e brava Emily....i miei complimenti!!!!

  8. Cara Moky,
    che soddisfazione per me e tua mamma leggere la piccola poesia di Emily. E' a quest'eta' che si comincia ad intravedere l'indirizzo della vita futura di una persona. Questo è gia' un'indizio. Ai primi di giugno, quando verremo a trovarti fammi trovare una chitarra cosi' io comporro'colonne sonore per le poesie di Emily..e le registreremo.
    Sara' il regalo del nonno. Bacioni da mami e papi

  9. Si vede che a scuola hanno parlato di poetry in tutti i "grades", perche' anche Vivian si e' messa a scrivere poesie... tutta una famiglia di poeti!!! Comunque una cosa e' certa: Emily e', dei miei figlie, quella piu' "sensibile"...anche se non mi piace mettere "etichette" a nessuno!

  10. Una poetessa in erba!!
    Ebbrava Emily !!! :-)))

  11. Me-ra-vi-glio-sa! I'm speechless! Tua figlia è un mito :)

    Lovin' cheers!


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